- Senior Software Engineer at Myntra, Bangalore
- Contributor to spaCy and Apache OpenNLP
- ACM ICPC Regional Finalist
- B.Tech (2012-16) - Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Karnataka, India
- Enhancement for Vectors for faster initialising of word vectors(fasttext)
- Implement Fast-Text vectors with subword features
- Implement Dependency Tree Pattern Matcher
Apache OpenNLP
Competitive Programming
My Competitive Algorithmic Programming profiles with solutions to accepted problems :
- Codechef : skrcode
- Codeforces : skrcode
- SPOJ : skrcode
- Timus : skrcode (solutions hidden)
- HackerRank : skrcode (solutions hidden)
Interesting Algorithmic Problems and Techniques
I try to maintain a repository of interesting algorithmic techniques not commonly found on the internet here. Please create an issue or raise a PR if you have any thoughts or suggestions about this. Thanks !