Discount Offer using dynamic programming?
How we at Myntra solved a critical business problem in discounting using dynamic programming.
Software Engineer, Algorithmic Programmer, NLP enthusiast
How we at Myntra solved a critical business problem in discounting using dynamic programming.
How to get your employees motivated to attend the daily scrum/stand-up meets through chocolate and a simple but creative Python chat bot on Slack.
A tutorial on how to use recursion in React components. Recursive react components enable the code to be clean, maintainble, extensible and readable. Recursion reduces seemingly complex problems to simpler ones. The tutorial explains recursion in React from the fundamentals along with a simple example in addition to a complex one being introduced towards the end.
My published kernel in the Kaggle Contest, Spooky Author Identification. Highest Public LB score - 0.29 (Top 50) for a published kernel in the contest. Uses Simple Feature Engineering like Punctuation,Stop Words,Glove Sentence vectors. In addition, it creates stack features from simple Features such as tfidf and count vectors for words and chars. Multinomial naive bayes(mnb) is then applied with the following combination - tfidf+words+mnb,tfidf+chars+mnb,count+words+mnb,count+chars+mnb. Conv Nets on keras texttosequence, NNs on glove sentence vectors and Fast Text are also used as stack features. XGBoost, which is the final model which will use the simple and stack features as input.
This tutorial explains on how memoization is relevant in reducing time complexity. In addition, it focusses on two standard problems in Dynamic Programming, the Longest Increasing Subsequence problem and the Coin Denomination problem.
This tutorial gives an intuition on why Dynamic Programming is fun to code and extremely useful in Computer Science. It talks about Dynamic Programming using a basic example, the Subset Sum problem. The tutorial further adds more intuition as to how Dynamic Programming problems should be approached along with additional practice problems.